Fantabulous Fourth Graders

Fantabulous Fourth Graders
This is our 4th grade crew during Field Day 2012, striking a pose!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Our Field Trip to ASU!

There are not words to describe how amazing our field trip was to Arizona State University. Day in and day out, I am always telling my students how the study skills they are learning in 4th grade will help them throughout high-school and college. We always discuss goals for each of them to be successful by getting a college education. Many of our students have NO IDEA what college is all about. So, to give our students the true college experience, we took the entire 4th grade to Arizona State University so that they could discover what the life of a college student is like.

When we arrived on campus, the kids were in awe of how enormous it is. They had never seen a school campus with so many buildings and students. First, we learned the famous ASU pitchfork hand-signal, which is used at ASU games to promote school spirit. Then, we saw real-life scientists working on moon rocks and studying Mars. Our day ended at Sun Devil Stadium, where we chatted with two student athletes who described what their lives are like as ASU students and athletes. Through their discussions, the 4th graders felt college was attainable and were inspired to study hard in school so they can be future Sun Devils. After meeting the student athletes, we explored Sun Devil Stadium and had the honor of running out the Tillman Tunnel onto the football field, just like the ASU football players do.

It was an amazing experience for all of us. Below are some pictures from our day.

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