Fantabulous Fourth Graders

Fantabulous Fourth Graders
This is our 4th grade crew during Field Day 2012, striking a pose!

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Kickball Champions!

4th Grade Kickball Tournament Champions!!!

Look at this glorious trophy! I am so proud to add this trophy to my collection (not because it gives my other lonely trophy a friend but...) because I truly believe that we earned it. I am so proud of the sportsmanship that our class displayed to the other teams and teachers, for our teamwork with each other and our positive attitudes throughout the entire tournament. We believed in ourselves, we encouraged each other and we never gave up. We played like true champions! What an awesome group of kids I have been blessed with this year. This day will be remembered forever!


  1. Yes we won first place in the Kickball tournament again yes

    1. I cannot wait to show off my beautiful trophies! You all had such great teamwork....I was so proud of our sportsmanship and skills. :)

  2. Mrs Stines why are not posting more things on th blog

    By your star student

    Heriberto Godoy Junior
