Fantabulous Fourth Graders

Fantabulous Fourth Graders
This is our 4th grade crew during Field Day 2012, striking a pose!

Monday, February 11, 2013

In class, we are learning to become "Grammar Ninjas" by applying our proof-reading marks to revise and edit silly sentences that I (Mrs. Stines) writes. We have almost reached our "Ninja" status because we are now finding grammatical errors in all kinds of things that we are reading! One student in our class heard about a new invention called a Grammar Correcting Pen on the news and shared it with the class. This pen vibrates when a student writes a grammatical error on their paper. Oh, how easy it would be to become a "Grammar Ninja" if we all had these pens!

1 comment:

  1. That is awesome. I love the class blog. Keep up the great work in 4th grade. One of my favorite tests of all. Does spelling matter?
